Oxidatieschade veroorzaakt niet alleen kanker maar ook het ouder worden!*

The cover story for the November 2003 Readers' Digest exclaims "The New Pill That Can End Aging." The article focuses on Dr. Bruce Ames and another scientist who have been studying the aging process for years. Dr. Ames, who is a biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley has been particularly interested in the concept of free radical damage as the cause of not only cancer, but also aging itself. The article indicates that in 1990 Ames and his colleagues discovered that there was twice as much free radical damage in the tissue of two-year old rats as compared to two-month old rats. Ames and his group discovered a crucial link between oxidation, the production of free radicals leading to DNA mutation, and aging. Their conclusion was that free radical oxidation doesn't just rise with aging - it causes it.


