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Stoppen met werken slecht voor de gezondheid*
Helemaal stoppen met werken na uw pensioen kan slecht zijn voor uw gezondheid, zo blijkt uit een Amerikaans onderzoek onder ruim 12.000 mensen die zes jaar lang gevolgd werden. Zij ontdekten dat mensen die na hun pensioen tijdelijk of parttime werk bleven doen in dezelfde sector, minder vaak ernstige ziektes, zoals hoge bloeddruk, hartproblemen en diabetes hadden. Het werken in een andere sector was iets minder gunstig en wanneer mensen volledig stopten met werken was een verslechtering van de gezondheid te zien.
Study: Working During Retirement Is Good For Your Health
A new study suggests that working full-time or part-time during retirement may be beneficial to your health, The New York Times reports. "Researchers from the University of Maryland found that men and women who kept working after retirement had fewer major diseases or disabilities than those who quit work, according to the study published this month in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Retirees benefited whether the work was a full- or part-time job, self-employment or temporary." 
"Doctors have long known that staying active during the older years is associated with better health. But the question is whether working keeps older people healthy, or whether the people who continue working are able to do so because they were healthier to start with. But the new study controlled for health before retirement and found that post-retirement work had a distinct effect on health. … Among those who kept working, the retirees who found work related to their previous careers had the best mental health" (Parker-Pope, 10/19). 
This information was reprinted from kaiserhealthnews.org with kind permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives and sign up for email delivery at kaiserhealthnews.org. (
November 2009)


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Red.: Uit eerder onderzoek bleek vroegtijdig stoppen met werken ook al niet zo gunstig